
Blog - Road Trip Experiences in the South Island, NZ | Off Track Rentals


NEW ZEALAND - Camping sites, Near Epic Hikes Part 2

White Horse Hill Campsite for Hooker Valley Track

Okay, so the campsite is not very epic or remote. You will be pretty close quarters to other fellow campers for sure. However, The wonderful thing about the White Horse Hill Campsite is that its right at the foot of the Hooker Valley Track in Mt. Cook National Park. This means you can literally roll out of your sleeping bag, climb down the latter and jump on one of the most scenic tracks throughout the south island (that we experienced anyway). This track is so amazing but extraordinarily popular- so getting an early start is key to enjoying the scenery in solitude. The White Horse Hill site also has a really nice indoor cooking facility which really came in handy the night we camped there as a crazy storm rolled in and cooking outdoors would have been slightly impossible!

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